Most people know of copper as a good conductor often used in electronics. It’s also an essential trace mineral that our bodies need to absorb iron. But did you know that copper also supports skin health, stimulates collagen production, prevents acne breakouts (and is a good pimple remedy), and can even reduce the appearance of wrinkles? This makes it the perfect acne solution and excellent skincare for sensitive skin.
Copper ions act as powerful antioxidants, making copper a deadly surface for many microbes.
If you are one of the 30% of the population that suffers from atopic dermatitis, copper pillowcases may be your savior.
Most subjects saw results within the first two weeks.
Copper stimulates collagen production and contributes to a clearer, more even complexion overall.
As if that isn’t enough, copper’s antioxidative properties make it an excellent odor eliminator.
Copper ions act as powerful antioxidants, making copper a deadly surface for many microbes. Although copper’s use in the medical field has been an increasingly popular research subject over the past couple of decades, humans have been utilizing copper’s amazing properties for far longer. In fact, a study published in the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology suggests that copper has been used as a disinfectant for thousands of years. And it doesn’t just kill bacteria, but is an effective "algaecide, fungicide, nematocide, molluscicide…antibacterial and antifouling agent" that displays "potent antiviral activity."
Omnia Skin Defense
Copper ions act as powerful antioxidants, making copper a deadly surface for many microbes. Although copper’s use in the medical field has been an increasingly popular research subject over the past couple of decades, humans have been utilizing copper’s amazing properties for far longer. In fact, a study published in the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology suggests that copper has been used as a disinfectant for thousands of years. And it doesn’t just kill bacteria, but is an effective "algaecide, fungicide, nematocide, molluscicide…antibacterial and antifouling agent" that displays "potent antiviral activity."
We already know that acne is at least partially caused by the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes, which feeds off of your skin oils and produces acid, creating inflammation. And when you sleep on a normal pillowcase, some of this bacteria transfers onto the pillow and gradually begins to build up. It’s like rubbing your face on a sea of microbes every single night.
No one has time to wash their pillowcase every single night. But the antimicrobial properties of copper-enhanced fabric eliminate the need. Our new Sleep&Glow pillowcases are made from Tencel interwoven with copper thread. Tencel is made from Eucalyptus fibers, which are also naturally antimicrobial, so the added effect kills over 99.9% of harmful bacteria and other nasty nighttime neighbors.
Omnia Skin Defense
If you are one of the 30% of the population that suffers from atopic dermatitis (also known as eczema), copper pillowcases may be your savior. An evidence-based review examining and compiling the results of scientific research conducted from 1994-2020 shows that "clothing fabrics interact closely with the skin to shape our cutaneous microenvironment," meaning the bedsheets you’re using may be contributing to your eczema outbreaks.
Fabrics that are naturally antimicrobial, such as Tencel, significantly reduce eczema outbreaks.
Adding copper thread to the fabric compounds these effects and helps reduce pimple redness, irritation and rashes, resulting in a clearer, less angry complexion in the morning.
If you are one of the 30% of the population that suffers from atopic dermatitis (also known as eczema), copper pillowcases may be your savior. An evidence-based review examining and compiling the results of scientific research conducted from 1994-2020 shows that "clothing fabrics interact closely with the skin to shape our cutaneous microenvironment," meaning the bedsheets you’re using may be contributing to your eczema outbreaks.
Fabrics that are naturally antimicrobial, such as Tencel, significantly reduce eczema outbreaks.
Adding copper thread to the fabric compounds these effects and helps reduce pimple redness, irritation and rashes, resulting in a clearer, less angry complexion in the morning.
How else can copper’s amazing properties be harnessed for your beauty benefit? Well, recent studies conducted by Ji Hwoon Baek and Mi Ae Yoo at the Dermapro Skin Research Center in South Korea show that sleeping on a copper pillowcase also reduces the appearance of fine lines.
Over the course of the eight-week, double-blind study, test subjects sleeping on a copper pillowcase saw a significant reduction in the appearance of crow’s feet, unlike the control subjects sleeping on a normal pillowcase. Most subjects saw results within the first two weeks.
A pillowcase that actively fights wrinkles instead of contributing to them? No, you’re not dreaming—but you will be soon! And you’ll wake up glowing. Get true beauty sleep with an acne-fighting, wrinkle-reducing wonder pillowcase.
How else can copper’s amazing properties be harnessed for your beauty benefit? Well, recent studies conducted by Ji Hwoon Baek and Mi Ae Yoo at the Dermapro Skin Research Center in South Korea show that sleeping on a copper pillowcase also reduces the appearance of fine lines.
Over the course of the eight-week, double-blind study, test subjects sleeping on a copper pillowcase saw a significant reduction in the appearance of crow’s feet, unlike the control subjects sleeping on a normal pillowcase. Most subjects saw results within the first two weeks.
A pillowcase that actively fights wrinkles instead of contributing to them? No, you’re not dreaming—but you will be soon! And you’ll wake up glowing. Get true beauty sleep with an acne-fighting, wrinkle-reducing wonder pillowcase.
Omnia Skin Defense
Omnia Skin Defense
But the magic doesn’t stop there! Copper also stimulates collagen production and contributes to a clearer, more even complexion overall.
And in a recent study conducted on the benefits of sleeping on copper-enhanced fabric, test subjects noticed improvements to their complexion after just two weeks.
As if that isn’t enough, copper’s antioxidative properties make it an excellent odor eliminator. In fact, carbon-coated nanoparticles have proven to be twice as effective as other deodorizing agents.
This means that copper pillowcases require less laundering while remaining a clean and hygienic surface to rest your face on every night.
So what are you waiting for? Beauty sleep is just a click away.
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